Entrance ceremony

The entrance ceremony is held in April or September.

In many cases, it is not a small company, but if it is a large company, it may be possible to rent out the event venue.

I have been to the entrance ceremony held at Tokyo Big Sight before.

I got a job offer when I was a student, so I went on a tour.

As a result, I didn’t get a job at that company, but it was a good experience to get to know the atmosphere.

Basically, there is a greeting from upper management, aspirations from the representative, and an introduction to the company.

At the company I went to, research and reports were put up on posters and presentations were held.

I think that the entrance ceremony is also an opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the company, to know where you are assigned, and to know the events and situations in the company.

Also, I’m nervous because I don’t know where I’ll be assigned nationwide.

Recently, despite the coronavirus, it seems that there are more and more remote meetings, and I prefer to do them face-to-face, so I think it’s important.
Are my thoughts outdated?

Wouldn’t you like to stop chatting remotely or not be able to see the other person’s complexion?

I was not very good at the first greeting.
So when there was a chat, the conversation expanded from there, and it was helpful when it became easier to talk about hobbies, so I think it would be difficult if it was remote.

personal opinion

As I’ve been working lately, I’ve noticed that with remote work, my boss and team members no longer get up and walk around.

I think there are drawbacks.

As I mentioned earlier, there was no chatter. Information provision and information sharing has decreased.

At that time, I wondered if things like “not listening” or “see if it’s written on the information board” would become a problem.

It became unclear what each person was doing. so nobody notices.

Without information sharing, human relationships may deteriorate due to accidents or misunderstandings.

But most of the time you notice it when you have problems.
Is it difficult to prevent this?

Chat GPT, automation, systemization may be efficient and good, but…

I feel that a certain amount of “waste” is necessary both in private and business.

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