Beautiful flowers in japan

Cherry blossoms are not the only beautiful flowers in Japan.

In addition to decorating with flowers, “hanami(花見)” (going outside to see flowers and having a party under the flowers) is part of Japanese culture.
In spring, we have a party under the cherry trees, and when the hydrangea blooms, we feel that it is the rainy season.
Japanese people can feel the change of seasons through flowers and trees.


season: Mid-March to early May

The national flowers of Japan are cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums.


season: Late January to late April



season: There are varieties for each season, so there are all seasons.

The national flowers of Japan are cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemums are also used in passports.


season: End of March to mid-April

It can also be seen in parks and homes.
It is also famous for being used as a hair oil.


season: Late April to early May

I don’t see it much in private houses, so I guess I have to go see it.
A large-scale ”Huji-dana”(wisteria trellis) is spectacular and beautiful.

Lily of the valley(鈴蘭/suzuran)

season: May to June

It’s a cute and favorite flower personally.
However, it is poisonous.
In a Japanese proverb, roses are likened to “beautiful flowers have thorns”.
Suzuran is also similar.


season: It blooms from May to July and reaches its peak from early June to early July.

The color of the flower changes depending on the pH (acidity) of the soil, and it is generally said that “if it is acidic, it will be blue, and if it is alkaline, it will be red”.


season: Mid-July to September


season: Mid-September to late September

Poisonous flowers.
A flower derived from Buddhism. It is often planted in graveyards.
There are various theories about its origin, but there are many ominous aliases in Japan.


season: June to November


season: December to February or March to April

How to distinguish cherry plum peach


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